About PAK
Formed in April 2006 by parents that have children with various allergies. Our members include parents of children (from babies to young adults) with life-threatening food, latex and venom allergies. PAK, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, has grown to over 1,700 families in Charlotte, North Carolina and the surrounding area.
We have a variety of meetings, guest speakers, special events such as family yoga workshops, and seasonal food-free children’s events. Our educational meetings cover topics such as research updates, asthma, and epinephrine training.
We also host parent get togethers, advocacy projects, i.e. working with local school boards to create anaphylaxis and allergy protocols, nurses in schools, epinephrine legislation, and community education. We work with a team of Board Certified Allergists that assist us in these endeavors.
Become a PAK member by emailing info@pakcharlotte.org and receive a free new member packet of information and be added to our closed Facebook group for PAK Charlotte Members.

PAK Mission Statement
Parents of Allergic Kids’ goal is to provide a supportive environment for parents of and the children who have serious food allergies. We want to raise awareness about the prevalence and severity of food allergies. We also want to educate parents, caregivers, professionals, and our children’s peers about safely caring for our children. Parents of Allergic Kids is not a professional or medical organization. We are a network of friends sharing information and supporting each other. The discussions, meeting minutes, handouts, speakers, agendas and other products of this group do not constitute medical and /or legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Always discuss individual health / medical concerns with a qualified personal physician.
Meet the Board of Directors

Randi Eccleston
Membership, Event Planning, Media Coordination
Randi has served on the PAK Board since 2014 as Vice President, Secretary, and Marketing Coordinator. Randi is the mom to two girls. Her youngest daughter was diagnosed with food allergies at the age of 3 ½. She wants to engage the food allergic community with substantive meetings and events for all ages while educating the nonallergic community about the seriousness of the condition.

Heather Chait
Fundraising, Special Events, Camp Coordinator
Heather has served as Camp ROAR Coordinator and on the FARE Walk Entertainment Committee since 2015. She has 2 children, and her daughter was diagnosed with food allergies 9 years ago. She would like to continue PAK’s mission and empower families dealing with food allergies.

Jennifer Youse
Meeting Development, ImPAKt Director
Jen has been a PAK Coordinator since 2010. She has 2 children, her oldest managing nut allergies. She has served as Volunteer Coordinator for many FARE Walks, as well as organizing meetings and events. She will continue her mission with the imPAKt crew.